Timothy Storrier

1936 - 2003

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Tim Storrier (born 13 February 1949 in Sydney) is an Australian artist who won the 2017 Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with The Lunar Savant, a portrait of fellow artist McLean Edwards.

His win in the 2012 Archibald Prize with a 'faceless' self-portrait entitled The Histrionic Wayfarer (after Bosch), proved a controversial choice by the judges. Storrier notes in the accompanying Art Gallery of New South Wales "It refers to a painting by Hieronymus Bosch called The Wayfarer painted in c.1510 where the figure is believed to be choosing a path or possibly the prodigal son returning," says Storrier. "It also has other references, I believe, but they are rather clouded in biblical history and time... A carapace of burden is depicted in The histrionic wayfarer, clothed in the tools to sustain the intrigue of a metaphysical survey. Provisions, art materials, books, papers, bedding, compass and maps, all for the journey through the landscape of the artist's mind, accompanied by Smudge [the dog], the critic and guide of the whole enterprise."